Blogmas 2015 - Day 9: Christmas Jokes

So that assignment I told you all about the other day, I'm still doing it!  I need to laugh or else I will cry, hence today's blog post.  I don't know about you but I like the really rubbish, cheesy jokes.  Here are some of my favourites.
Q. What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?
A. Claustrophobia!

Q. Why did Santa's helper see the doctor?
A. Because he had a low "elf" esteem!

Q. What kind of motorbike does Santa ride?
A. A Holly Davidson!

Q. What do you call a dog who works for Santa?
A. Santa Paws!

Q. What did the sea say to Santa?
A. Nothing! It just waved!

Q. What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck?
A. A Christmas quacker!

Q. Who is Santa's favourite singer?
A. Elf-is Presley!

Q. What do Santa's little helpers learn at school?
A. The elf-abet!

Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A. Frostbite!

Q. What happened to the man who  stole an advent calendar?
A. He got 25 days!

Q. What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?
A. Tinsilitis!

Hahahaha!  I know you're all laughing deep down and don't want to admit it.  Have you got any favourite Christmas jokes?  Leave them in the comments, I like to laugh.

Love Karlene. Xo


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