Blogmas 2015 - Day 8: Meeting Calum Best
So yesterday I was supposed to be doing coursework that is due in on Thursday, but I am the world's biggest procrastinator! Mum wanted to go to our church coffee morning that we have every Monday and because I hadn't been able to go in ages because of this semester's timetable I jumped at the chance. Anything for a freshly baked, warm scone to be put on my plate. Delish!!
We said we wouldn't be long so that I could get in home to get some work done, but one quick message lead to another and another and another and well it was after 2pm before we were sitting down to lunch.
Just as we were about to pour the soup into our bowls dad rang to say that Calum Best was in town. Now if you don't know, Calum Best is the son of the legendary footballer George Best who came from Belfast, not so far from where I live. And well, the man is gorgeous! Mum and I jumped into the car and zoomed into town. I will admit, I felt a bit wick queuing to see someone, a celebrity.
After the hype of rushing out of the house I thought to myself Karlene what are you playing at? You see celebrities are just normal people and I don't like to think of them as any better or higher than you and I are. Calum was lovely, a true gentleman and he took time to speak to every single person standing in the que and he took pic after pic.
Also when I got home I tweeted the pic and the true gentleman he was favourited it!
I like people like that. Down to earth, lovely people, who actually care about others. I hope I am one of those people.
Have you got any celebrity stories? I'd love to hear them.
Love Karlene. Xo
P.s. notice the time I stayed up to to make sure this went up before 12!! I can't wait until this assignment is finished and I have more time on my hands.
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