Blogmas 2015: Day 2 - Oh Christmas Tree
Have you ever heard of a Christmas tree festival? I hadn't until last week. My family and I headed out to a local church for one to get ourselves into the Christmas spirit, which wasn't hard, because Christmas is my absolute most favourite time of the year. I'm ready for Christmas all year long!
Each of the pictures below are of the different trees that were on display. Together they help to tell the greatest story ever told - The Life Of Jesus.

Each of the pictures below are of the different trees that were on display. Together they help to tell the greatest story ever told - The Life Of Jesus.

I hope these pictures have helped to make you feel Christmassy. Let me know if you have ever been to a Christmas tree festival and if it's anything like this one, I'd love to hear from you!
Love Karlene. Xo
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