Hello there!

I'm Karlene Crawford, a 24 year old whose studies seem to be never ending!  I live in Northern Ireland and I am engaged to my childhood sweetheart, Matthew.  We are busy saving and planning for our wedding and future together.  Less than 200 days to go, but whose counting??

I love chocolate, green tea, ice-cream, flowers, owls, cards, sparkles, pretty vintage things and capturing those little things in life.

My life certainly isn't perfect, but I find joy in knowing that I have a Saviour who will love me unconditionally, even with all of my flaws.  I strive every day to become more like Him, shinning so that others may learn of His love and find the joy and peace that I have found.

"I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me strength." Philippians 4.13
I pretty much live by this verse; it's my motto as such.

Thanks so much for stopping by my little space here on the internet.  
Let's be friends!

K xx

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