Living simply and simply living

So I failed at Blogmas 2015 .... BIG time!

Read on if you want to hear my poor excuses!! Haha

Life simply got the better of me, which is really annoying because I was really enjoying doing Blogmas.  I had an assignment due right before Christmas so it kind of took over and then my amazing boyfriend surprised me with a few days away to Dublin and we only got back on Christmas Eve.  If you haven't been, Dublin is amazing.  This was my first time and I've fallen in love with the place.

Would you forgive me if I said I had another two assignments due for the 4th and 5th of January?!  I was so busy over Christmas that I feel like I'm only now getting a break.  Luckily I don't start back to uni until February 1st!  Score!!

So we are already nearly two weeks into 2016.  How were your Christmas and New Year celebrations?  How many of you have made new year's resolutions?  And how many of you have broke some of those resolutions already?  Go on, admit it!  To be honest, I've never really been one for new years resolutions.  However, this year I want to challenge myself, really push myself!  I want to make lifestyle changes.  I've have a list of things I want to to.  Some of you are maybe think how are these lifestyle changes, but to me they are.  These are some of the things that I want to focus on this year.
  • tidy my room
  • keep my room tidy
  • give my room a make-over
  • de-clutter my life
  • look after my skin
  • use hand cream at least once every day
  • cut down on tea
  • read at least 15 books this year
I am awful at keeping my room tidy and the past five months it has just been an absolute tip, quite literally.  It got to the stage that only Matthew, mum and dad were allowed in, I was too embarrassed to let anyone else see it.  My excuse - I never had time.  Yes I never had time to hang those clothes up, file those letters away, find a home for new things, to get rid of unneeded things.  Blah, blah, blah, there's no excuse!!  Recently I've felt like my life as well as my room is so cluttered and it was starting to make me feel a bit anxious.  So last week I started to get rid of things that I no longer use or need.  Yanno those silly things that you hold onto because you might need them, but you're still to find a use for?  I don't want that anymore, so hopefully 2016 will be the year that I learn to simplify my life so that I can make time and room for important things, opportunities to take and memories to make.

Talking about challenging myself, I made a Joey Dunlop helmet birthday cake for a little man that Matthew goes to visit.  Did you see that over on my Instagram account? Haha!  It was much harder than Matthew anticipated, he thought it would be pretty easy.  However it turned out not too bad, just never ask me to shape a cake again!  I'll stick to making standard cakes, I'm only an amateur. 

One last goal/challenge I'm setting myself this year is to really get involved and stuck into my blog.  I really want to make a go of it and value this little space of mine on the internet.  I hope you will join me and remind me to stick with it.

Let me know about your goals for the year or any amazing plans that you've made.  I'd love to be inspired for some things that I could get up to.

K xx

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