Learning Kindness From a 4 Year Old

The other week at GB one of my cute, little Explorers came running up to me and reached me this, a picture of her family and she told me to keep it.  
I'll be honest and say that I was surprised that she wanted me to keep it.  However, I felt truly grateful to receive such a lovely gift that is proudly displayed in my bedroom. Such a small act that I learnt a few things from and hope that you will to. 

  • It taught me that we are never to young or old to show kindness to others.  Did I mention that this little girl is only 4 years old?!  It got me thinking, when was the last time that I showed kindness to others.
  • It taught me that gifts don't have to be expensive.  I'd much rather receive sentimental things such as a drawing that a little girl was so proud of after all her hard work. "No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop.
  • It taught me that having someone brighten your day is a lovely feeling and perhaps I don't do this enough. 

I believe that acts of kindness encourage acts of kindness. I know that this one certainly did.  I want to take what this little 4 year old girl has taught me. I want to brighten someone's day. I want to encourage others. I want people to know that I appreciate them for all they do. I want to randomly surprise people with kindness that hasn't been planned. I want to display characteristics of my God. I believe that the small act of kindness that was shown to me was Divine Intervention to remind me to never forget to be kind and loving towards others. So thank you to the little girl who doesn't even know how much she has blessed me. 

I want kindness to automatically pour out of my heart. Why don't you join me. Let's start a ripple and create a wave of kindness, it begins with you!

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Love Karlene. Xo


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