#40acts Doing Lent Generously

So today is the beginning of Lent.  Are you giving anything up? Usually the things people give up are chocolate, crisps, biscuits, caffeine, alcohol etc.  Me, I've never participated in lent before, that was until today! Today on Facebook I came across a new way to celebrate lent.  
40acts is the multi award-winning challenge from Christian charity Stewardship, that invites you to do Lent generously.  40acts has been going for 5 years and I am only finding out about it now!!  They encourage individuals to take on a 40 day daily challenge.  All you have to do is sign-up here to join the movement and discover what your generous action is for the day.

For example, this is today's challenge.  For each day there are three different ways in which you could complete the challenge depending on what time you have and your budget, or if you're feeling extra generous, you could do all three!

DAY 1: Starting Line

"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." Isaiah 46:10 (NIV)
From the very beginning the Lord had a plan for reconciliation and redemption.  It didn't happen by chance and it didn't alter over time.  The generosity of the cross was a plan, His plan!  
Generosity rarely just ‘happens’ but this year I am focusing on how I can be truly intentional.  Intentional in my day-to-day, in how I treat people, in how I love people and in the things I do and that is one of the reasons why I am participating in the 40acts.  Below is a video that came with day 1 of the challenge and what a message it has.

Why don't you give it a go and join in on the fun this lent. Do something kind and kick start a ripple of generosity this lent. 

Let me know if you decide to join.  

Love Karlene


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